set List1 to ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
set List2 to ["Z", "q", ".", "&", "+", "=", "x", "j", "B", "!"]
repeat with n = 1 to 10
set gFind to getAt(List1, n)
set gReplace to getAt(List2, n)
findAndReplaceAll(line 7 of field "FullInfo", gFind, gReplace)
put the result into line 7 of field "FullInfo"
findAndReplaceAll(line 3 of field "FullInfo", gFind, gReplace)
put the result into line 3 of field "FullInfo"
findAndReplaceAll(line 4 of field "FullInfo", gFind, gReplace)
put the result into line 4 of field "FullInfo"
end repeat
copyToClipBoard(cast "FullInfo")
alert("The information you've provided has been copied to the clipboard. Please launch your E-Mail software and paste the info into the message area. Send it to:" & RETURN & "")